Make Music Bethel


How to Make Music on June 21st


Using our matchmaking software venues and musicians can register, create profiles and find a match for their Make Music Bethel performance.

venues register button
performers register here button

Once there are musicians and venues you can reach-out to each other and make a match.

If, as a musician, you have your own location your registration as a musician is all you need to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Friday every year? 

Make Music Day is a global event on June 21st of every year, this year it’s a Friday.

Do you get paid?

No, although you can feel free to request tips from the audience Make Music Day is a free event for everyone. It’s a chance to celebrate music as a whole and show the community what talent is out there.

What will the locations provide for music makers? 

Public locations will provide an electrical outlet.

What if it rains?

Most likely we’d have to cancel outdoor locations. Some outdoor locations may have inside back-up locations. Inside locations will go as planned.

Who can get involved?

Literally anyone. If you ever wanted to perform in public now is your chance.