Margot Miller
Margot Miller (she/they) is a burgeoning singer-songwriter with her stylings homegrown in the atmosphere of the American Northeast. Equipped with her faithful acoustic guitar, she works lyrically, crafting an emotional narrative for each project and song. She invokes a wide array of musical inspiration, from The Oh Hellos, The Front Bottoms, Left at London, and theater, pulling in the ethoses of lofi and folk-punk. Margot’s tendency always seems to be to “build out”: to sonically fill a piece, to give an EP intention, to establish herself as a community presence, to deliberately build something that could allow for bigger and bolder things. She’s loud- from her laugh to her music, the dynamics of balancing explosive moments with a delicate intimacy is why those drawn in stick around.
Performances on Make Music Day
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Fairfield Woods Branch Library
1147 Fairfield Woods Road Black Rock Turnpike -
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Jennings Beach Skate Park
880 South Benson Road Jennings Beach