Make Music Fresno

Jazz band performing

Make Music Fresno



Make Music Day was launched by the French Ministry of Culture in 1982. France held the new celebration, called Fête De La Musique, on the summer solstice – the longest day of the year. The ministry encouraged everyone to go outside and Make Music. Professional artists and curious bystanders alike joined the in the celebration. The free musical performances continued from morning to night at locations throughout the city – parks, gardens, street corners, rooftops, restaurants, shops – wherever music could be enjoyed. The holiday quickly inspired millions. More than 40 years later, Make Music Day has expanded into more than a thousand cities in more than 100 countries worldwide!

Make Music Fresno invites everyone to participate no matter their musical skill. There will be free musical performances at locations throughout the city. There will also be instrumental demonstrations for those new to music and opportunities to participate in group performance events. This inaugural Make Music Day is an opportunity to highlight the uniquely beautiful scope and diversity of musical talent, culture, passion, and expression found here in Fresno. It is a chance to bring the community together in a celebration of music.

Let’s Make Music Fresno!


If you are a musician looking to offer specialized help during one of our Make Music Day events, we would love to hear from you! If you have never picked up an instrument in your life, but you know a good opportunity to serve when you see it, we’d love to hear from you too! Please e-mail us at and type VOLUNTEER in the subject line. Thank you!

We Need You!


Make Music Fresno is extremely grateful to our sponsors who have helped make Make Music Day Fresno possible by donating instruments and music for the event!

Music Teachers’ Association of California

Alfred Music

Alfred Music, a longstanding Make Music Day partner, returns in 2023 to support guitar events nationwide.

As part of the new “String Together” initiative, Alfred Music is providing free copies of guitar chord books for events at dozens of music retailers, setting new players off on their musical journeys.


Make Music partner Hohner has long been a leader in the harmonica field.

In 2023, for the eleventh straight year, Hohner is generously providing thousands of free harmonicas across dozens of cities for Make Music Day, allowing countless first-time players to start developing the skills to make music throughout the year.


For the third Make Music Day, Panyard will supply Jumbie Jams, an entry level steel pan designed to be easily playable by anyone, to eleven Make Music chapters.

The steel pans will be used in participatory events and “petting zoos” on June 21, introducing the instrument – an icon of Trinidadian culture – to a wider audience in cities from coast to coast.

The Vic Firth Company, setting the standard for percussion since its inception in 1963, is supporting two major Make Music events this year.

For the third year, percussionists who attend Flowerpot Music events across the country will be provided with Vic Firth’s Balter mallets, and invited to make music together. Anyone can join the events and


We would Love to hear from you!

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