Make Music New Canaan is a part of the international Make Music Day movement which brings free, community-wide, musical celebrations to hundreds of cities worldwide. Every year, the celebration is held on June 21, the summer solstice, in more than 800 communities around the world. Make Music Day events are organized with, for, and by the community.

The first ever Make Music New Canaan was coordinated in 2023 by the not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, The Carriage Barn Arts Center of New Canaan, situated in Waveny Park.
This year The Carriage Barn Arts Center is partnering with the New Canaan Library to bring Make Music Day to New Canaan!
Make Music Day Events can happen in conventional and unconventional spaces. From sidewalks to community gardens, public parks, or even your front porch. Any musician–emerging or professional, young or old–is invited to take part. Likewise, businesses, neighbors, schools, churches, and organizations of all shapes and sizes can sign up to offer their outdoor spaces as a venue. All of New Canaan is encouraged to participate! Step into summer, reconnect with neighbors, and dive into your musical creativity…..

Daytime Schedule
The day will kick-off at 10:00 am at the New Canaan Library with a pre-school singalong led by Meghan Murphy Gould and Storytime with Miss Marie from the New Canaan Library. All families and children are welcome to join.
Starting at 3:00 pm, there will be an Acoustic Session featuring performances on the keyboard, guitar, instruments, and vocal showcase for 10-minute slots on the New Canaan Library terrace:
3:00pm Rachel Surrette, Singer/Piano
3:10pm Thea Watkins, Harp
3:20pm Sophia Caputo, piano
3:30pm Bennie Rose, pop / jazz & Kx2 music Kayla and Kurt
3:40pm Celina Savage/ guitar
3:50pm Lucy van Roden, singer/piano
4:00pm Madeline Gould, vocals, Lila Tallercio, vocals Ainsley Tallercio, vocals
4:10pm Jason Priemas, piano
4:20pm New Canaan Town Brass Quintet
4:40pm Acoustic session ends
Bands, 5-8pm
New Canaan Library Terrace
5:00 – 6:30, School of Rock will play
6:30-8pm the band Mind the Gap will play
Around Town – Gates
5-6:30pm John Cloonan and Dawn Ricciardi, rock pop duo at the Gates side patio
9-10pm The Leathermen at Gates

Get in touch with us at newcanaan@makemusicday.org