A full day of musical activities/workshops and performances schedule around Rolla. All events are FREE and open to the public.


Help us BUILD Make Music Rolla!
If you are a musician and would like to perform OR if you have a venue that would like to host performances please go to: rolla.makemusicday.org to sign up!
June 21 – Make Music Rolla!
Morning – Pat Kay performances for RPS Summer School students:
Truman Elementary at 8:45 a.m.
Rolla Jr. High at 10:10 a.m.
Missouri native Pat Kay salutes the music traditional to the Ozarks; where Old-Time Fiddle music received a quick flash fry of foot stompin’ Country Blues as it made its way across the Mississippi River. The songs are a collection of stories, ancient in verse, timeless in meaning, and delivered with reverence… This forgotten music, that once filled the barns of our ancestors, was bred to uplift from the tangle of struggles in a bygone era. Whether with a band or without, Kay plays clawhammer banjo and guitar with his hands, bass drum and tambourines with his feet, vocals and harmonica with his face, and enjoys sharing tales in between. More info at: www.stompgrass.com
Morning – Instrument Building Workshops with teaching artist Syrhea Conaway at Truman Elementary
Syrhea Conaway teaching artist, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer, will present workshops at Truman Elementary for summer school students in the morning. The workshop will teach students how to build a musical instrument out of recycled materials. Full bio at: https://synasopro.com/bio/
Afternoon Activities
12:30 p.m. Pat Kay Performance at Metz Music – open to the public
2:45 – 4:00 p.m. Music Technology Workshops at Rolla Childrens Library
Two 35 minute sessions (2:45/3:20) presented by Mike Goldschmidt, RHS Asst. Band Director, Music Technology Instructor. Space is limited. Please pre-register for a spot.
Student Musician Showcase at Soda and Scoops
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. available for additonal student musicians
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Mary Kwantes piano studio
4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Kimberly Murphy piano studio
To REGISTER for the Showcase complete this Google Form:
Downtown Band Shell – Make Music Rolla! Concert
7:30 p.m. Featuring: Rolla Town Band
399th Army Band Rough Riders

If you would like to DONATE to support Make Music Rolla! Donations can be made through the Rolla Choral Arts Society (which is a 501c3). Click on the donations link below which will direct you to the RCAS Donations page. Select “One Time Donation” and specify Make Music Rolla! under the Special Instructions to the Seller. RCAS uses Paypal, so you can use a Paypal account or a credit or debit card to make your contribution.
Get in touch with us at: rolla@makemusicday.org
Make Music Rolla Coordinator:
Jeff Sandquist: 573.368.8535