
Make Music San Francisco, is inviting your business, your neighbors, your friends, your community and you to celebrate San Francisco and the Summer Solstice with music from the city that brought you the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Dead Kennedys, Avengers, Flipper, Romeo Void, Santana, Journey, and Metallica.
We welcome all musicians, instruments of all types, singers, percussionists, and experimental musicians to join us in welcoming summer. Make Music San Francisco is open to all: professionals, amateurs, children, adults, choirs, soloists… anyone with an ear for music is welcome to join and anyone who loves music will want to attend. Performances will take place from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm across San Francisco in community centers, restaurants, shared spaces, back yards, front steps, libraries, local businesses, slow streets, and parks.
Plan your concert experience by visiting the Make Music San Francisco website for your Music Map checklist, an approved list of participants, performance spaces, and collaborating partners.
Get in touch with us at sanfrancisco@makemusicday.org