Make Music Santa Fe

2022 Listings: Tuesday, June 21st

CN Byrd

Singer-songwriter C.N. Byrd has lived many lives, but regaling us with stories is not his intent with his conceptual debut album, Remissions, out March 18th. Like the record title suggests, this artistic statement is a cathartic one—purging pain through expression—and, on this 10-track collection of poetic folk, Byrd lays bare some painfully complex life situations. Remissions’ first single will be the darkly emotive, “Gina Rides a Tiger,” and followed by the boldly vulnerable, “Your Bud.” “I am not so interested in publicizing what I have done, but I am interested in sharing where this album comes from,” explains the Santa Fe, New Mexico-based artist. “This album is a personal statement I had to get out of the way before I could move on.” Byrd takes the personal and makes it universal on his intimate album which is steeped in a myriad of folk traditions. Select artistic touchstones here include Warren Zevon, Stephen Foster, Paul Simon, Damien Rice, and Byrd’s biggest influence, unde

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