What is Make Music Sun Prairie?
Make Music Sun Prairie is joining the global music celebration, Make Music Day. Originating in France as the Fête de la Musique in 1982, Make Music Day occurs on June 21st every year worldwide. Over 1,000 cities worldwide will gather to celebrate the joys of music through performances, activities, and parades. Sun Prairie is proud to join the summer solstice fun in 2023.
All across the Sun Prairie will be an array of musical activities, from student performances and educational drum circles to open mics and music-making crafts. Come out and hear the musical sounds of our city!
Completely different from a typical music festival, Make Music is open to anyone wanting to participate. Every kind of musician — young and old, amateur and professional, of every musical persuasion — pours onto streets, parks, plazas, and porches to share their music with friends, neighbors, and strangers. All of it is free and open to the public.
When? Friday, June 21st, 2024
Where? Performance areas will be located at parks and community spaces throughout Sun Prairie. 2024 highlights include the following.
Hip-Hop Festival
- Noon-4 pm — Hip-Hop Stage featuring area hip-hop artists, Sun Prairie Dream Park, 415 Park St
- 1:00 pm — Dance workshop and performance, Sun Prairie Dream Park, 415 Park St
- 2-3 pm — The Art of Sampling in Hip-Hop at The Loop, 202 E Main St
- 2:30 — Student open mic session. This session is open to all musicians, poets, and dancers ages 13-18, Sun Prairie Dream Park, 415 Park St
Hip-Hop Festival details here!
Area Venues
- Sun Prairie Public Library, 1350 Linnerud Dr
- Sun Prairie Dream Park, 415 Park St
- Faded Roots Boutique, 375 East Main Street
- Sun Prairie Public Library, 1350 Linnerud Dr
- Sunshine Place, 18 Rickel Rd
- The Loop, 202 E Main St
- One Community Bank, 2580 Ironwood Dr
- Buck & Honey’s, 804 Liberty Blvd
- Beans n Cream Coffeehouse, 345 Cannery Square
Downtown Piano Parade
Eight pianos, painted by local artists, will be displayed throughout Downtown Sun Prairie and will be available to play!
Concert Pop-Up at Wetmore Park, 555 North Street
This special extra summer Concerts in the Park sponsored by Sun Prairie Parks, Recreation, & Forestry will feature the Jon Hoel Group jazz ensemble from 6-8 pm.
Check out the Listings page for more detail about each event!
2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st
Make Music Sun Prairie needs your support!
Private and business sponsors help offset the costs of offering this special event to the community, and all sponsors will be recognized in print, radio, and digital advertising.
Prairie Music & Arts, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving as a fiscal sponsor for Make Music Sun Prairie; all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Questions? Get in touch with us at info@prairiemusic.org.