On June 21st, 2024 Mount Airy is celebrating the rich history of music in Surry County! Starting from our roots in “Old Time” music to modern-day hits, this will be an unforgettable experience for all to enjoy.

- DJ, Blake Smith, Kids Jam: 10-2, Open Mic 1-2, Blackmon Amphitheatre
- Sing-a-long Gospel & Pop Music with Ben Currin: 10-12, Angela Llewellyn Room, Mount Airy Public Library
- MAUI (Mount Airy Ukulele Invasion): 11-1, bring uke and join George Smith, Jam, Betty Wright Room, Arts Center
- Rhythm Garden with Django and Bruce Burgess, 11-2, stage outside of the Andy Griffith Playhouse
- Darrell Atkins, Bluegrass Jam: 12-4, The Easter Brothers Mural Plaza on Main Street
- Instrument Petting Zoo with Walker York and Tyler Matanick, 2-4, Cindi Griffith Dance Studio (lower level of AGM museum)
- Latino DJ Night, 6-10:30 PM, Market Street
Stay tuned, more events to come!
*This event is sponsored by Make Music Day, an initiative of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, in partnership with the North Carolina Arts Council and the North Carolina Arts Foundation.*

Email us at surrycounty@makemusicday.org to get more information on how to participate!