Make Music Topanga

2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st

James Houlahan

Influenced by writers such as Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and Tom Waits, James Houlahan’s music is a vast net cast in a sea of musical possibility. Bringing to the surface sonic treasures from the depths of an old yet vital collective American spirit. Based in Los Angeles, Houlahan has been active on the local music scene since arriving from his native Boston in 2012. His music has found its way into commercials, television and movies such as 2017’s “Little Pink House,” starring Catherine Keener. Until the pandemic broke in 2020, he was busy touring, playing stages throughout much of the American West and Europe. Having released two new albums over the past couple of years, he returns to touring with a slew of new songs. Glide Magazine wrote that Houlahan is “near the top of must-see and hear indie singer-songwriters.” His music straddles both the personal and the universal, transporting the listener to realms of enigmatic wonder and delight.

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