Make Music Troy

Jazz band performing

Make Music Troy

Ring in the summer with a worldwide day of music! On June 21, celebrate Make Music Troy on streets, sidewalks, and parks across the city, with music performed by anyone and free for everyone.



10:00a-3:00p  Instrument Show, Tell & Play at Troy Public Library Lansingburgh Branch [FREE]

  • 27 114th St, Troy
  • Visit the library to explore a variety of musical instruments displayed around the library! Information cards next to each instrument explains what they are used for, what kind of sound they make, and more! Opportunity to listen, play, and explore the instruments!
  • Make Your Own Drum! Make a drum using a yogurt container and a balloon. Make it at the library or take it to go! Appropriate for children ages 4-12.

10:30a-12:00p TRIP Community Classroom Drumming and Dance Circle with Jordan Taylor Hill [FREE]

  • 470 Tenth Street, Troy
  • Join in the music making with West African Drum & Dance specialist Jordan Taylor Hill! Drum and Dance along with Jordan and friends in the TRIP Outdoor Classroom on Tenth Street. No experience necessary, all are welcome! Appropriate for all ages

12:00p-8:00p Musical Relics at the Hart Cluett Museum [FREE]

  • 57 Second Street, Troy
  • Check out the special Make Music Day Exhibit at the Hart Cluett Museum featuring musical relics from the local community! Appropriate for all ages.

3:00p-4:00p Makey-Makey Floor Piano and Creative Session at Troy Public Library with Brian Brancato [FREE]

  • 100 Second Street, Troy
  • Come over to the Troy Public Library Courtyard on Make Music Day to play the Giant Floor Piano! Participants will play the piano, record unique sounds, and make music with teaching artist and musicians Brian Brancato! Appropriate for ages 6-11.

3:30p-5:30p, Flowerpot Music at Collard City Growers/The Sanctuary for Independent Media with Miss Deb [FREE]

  • 3337 6th Ave, Troy
  • Miss Deb leads Flowerpot Music on Make Music Day. Bring your flowerpot and play along in the garden! Everyone can come and play their flowerpot in the garden (limited amount of flowerpots will be available on-site), no experience necessary! Vic Firth Mallets will be provided to all participants curtosy of Troy Savings Bank Music Hall and the Make Music Alliance. 
  • Flowerpot Music, written and celebrated by composer Elliot Cole and directed by percussionist Peter Ferry, is a composition for an unlikely but beautiful percussion instrument–the flowerpot! Come learn and perform this work with Miss Deb! Join in to create outdoor soundscapes through easy-to-learn games, appropriate for musicians and non-musicians alike! Appropriate for all ages.

4:30p-5:30p Young Artist’s Stage at Troy Music Academy, featuring TMA and Diver Library Young Artists Performances [FREE]

  • 9 Third Street, Troy
  • Troy Music Academy hosts youth performances featuring talented young artists studying at the Academy, and featuring Diver Library Young Artist Hannah Coffin, singer/songwriter and guitarist.

8:00p-10:00p Community Stage, Open Mic at Oakwood Community Center [FREE]

  • 313 Tenth Street, Troy
  • Bring your instrument and join in the open mic! All are welcome to participate and attend. Full backline on site (drum kit, mic/mic stand, guitar amp). Appropriate for all ages.


WEXT Radio presents 
Make Music Day Walking Tour

Join us for more adventuring through downtown Troy with the Make Music Day Troy Walking Tour, presented by WEXT Radio and Troy Savings Bank Music Hall. Activities start at 12PM on Friday, June 21, but you can join us at any time through our Make Music Day. 

12:00 – 1:00 PM “Under the Mural” with Tiny Van Concerts featuring LS Daniel, Perch Hapland, Nate Goyette [FREE]

1:15 – 2:00 PM Brule County Bad Boys Lite [FREE]

2:15 – 3:00 PM OM Quillio & AILA [FREE]

3:15 – 4:00 PM Armbruster [FREE]

4:15 -5:00 PM Boss Crowley [FREE]

5:15 – 6:15 PM “Under the Mural” with Empire State Youth Orchestra: Jazz Combo & Troy Music Academy All Star Band [FREE]

6:30 – 7:00 PM “Under the Mural” with Troy Samba (Join in on the jam!) [FREE]

7:15 – 8:30 PM “Under the Mural” with Tiny Van Concerts featuring Throw, Lying Season, and Quazie Yardie [FREE]

8:00P-late Make Music Day After Party at No Fun featuring

  • Haley Moley
  • Pony in the Pancake
  • Bare Mattress 
  • Headless Relatives

Location: 275 River Street, Troy

Tickets: $8 adv/ $12 Door


Additional Events:

5:00p Live DJ Sets (Artists TBA) at TATU, Tacos & Tequila [FREE]

8:00p-10:00p Bennett Brothers at Twisted Fiddler [FREE]


2025 Listings: Sunday, December 21st



The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall is true gem of the Capital Region — one of the few continuously operating 19th century concert halls in the United States. This intimate performance space has acoustics that are famed the world over and with your support, we’ll keep the music alive!


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