Make Music Day

2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st

Mark Gruebel and Scott Hill

"Maybe on Monday" is a song I wrote after I met a homeless person one afternoon. I asked him how he got here sleeping on a park bench in Madison Wisconsin. He said he wasn't always homeless. There was a time when he lived near Boston. He had a job was married and owned a home. But then a mental illness that started in his early twenties got worse. He left home one day and ended up in Salt Lake City Utah. He lost his job, his house, and his wife. For the last ten years, he followed the railroad tracks wandering from town to town. The part that haunted me the most was when he told me that sometimes when he sleeps he dreams that he is back in his house and his wife is sitting at the kitchen table with him and for a moment everything is alright. I promised to write a song about him one day so he would not be forgotten. I wrote "Maybe on Monday" inspired by the hope that his wife would find him and bring him home. To hear the song go to (Spotify) or

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