Make Music Day

2021 Listings: Monday, June 21st

Maya Derren- "The Solstice of our Discontent- A Shamanic Meditation"

"The Solstice of our Discontent- A Shamanic Meditation" I consider myself beyond name, age, gender, & nationality. An interdisciplinary artist for over 30 years I use images still & moving, words, sound, installation & performance to explore my obsessions with the impermanent sensuality of Life & Death. In my healing & shamanic work I use the nomme d'plume Maya Derren, the second "r" to show something is mos def ajar. Deren's fascination with VouDon, cinematic risk & experimentation continue to inspire. My work can be found in private collections here, abroad & in the permanent collection of The Geneente Museum Arnhem, Holland, The Ludwig Museum, Köln, MOMA & the NYC Public Library. In this "the new normal", this temple of NOW, we're privy to witness once again the fall of Rome, this time with WiFI.

Performances on Make Music Day

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